You may be using VB components from within an ASP web application to perform a lot of business logic and may find some errors are being raised but ignored by either the components or the ASP script. Trapping these errors in a production environment is therefore very useful.
The main difference between VBScript and VB errors are VB errors are raised as true native exceptions (exception code c000008f ). To trap VB script errors break points had to be placed within the scripting runtime module. In this post I will walk you through the commands you need to execute on a live or full dump.After we’ve gone through the commands we’ll put together an adplus script to capture this information which you can use on production servers.
When the dump is open switch to the VB thread - you can use ~*kb to see which threads have MSVBVM60. e.g.
0:000> ~20s
Determine the index of the EBTHREAD object in thread local storage (TLS).
0:020> dd msvbvm60!g_itlsebthread l1
6aae0ec0 0000001e
Find the location of this thread's TLS based on the thread environment block (TEB). If you want to dump the Err object for other VB threads just get the TEB for those threads.
0:020> ~. 20
Id: 758.5bc Suspend: 1 Teb: 7ffa8000 Unfrozen
0:020> ?7ffa8000 +0xe10 Evaluate expression: 2147126800 = 7ffa8e10
Get the location of our EBTHREAD object based on the index into TLS
0:020> ? 7ffa8e10 + 0000001e * 0x4
Evaluate expression: 2147126920 = 7ffa8e88
0:020> dd 7ffa8e88 l1
7ffa8e88 0977ef58
Get the address of the EXCEPINFOA member variable based on its offset into EBTHREAD
0:020> ?0977ef58+0x78
Evaluate expression: 158855120 = 0977efd0
Now dump the EXCEPINFO data
0:020> dd 0977efd0 l8
0977efd0 00000000 250613ec 250314da 00000000
0977efe0 00000000 00000000 6aaa8bcf 80004005
At this point you have all of the information in the VB Error object. In this particular instance we have the bstrSource, bstrDescription, the pfnDeferredFillIn, and the scode. The pfnDeferredFillIn is simply a function in VB that is called as needed to get more information about the error object (ie. the description). This is called when the VB component tries to get the data (ie. access the Err.Description property) which is why the information may not be filled in sometimes.
For this dump we can see the error source
0:020> du 250613ec
250613ec "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQ"
250613ec "L Server"
and the description
0:020> du 250314da
250314da "[DBNETLIB][ConnectionOpen (Conne"
250314da "ct()).]SQL Server does not exist"
250314da " or access denied."
and the error number
0:020> ? 80004005
Evaluate expression: -2147467259 = 80004005
As a full dump is required to access this information you can typically run into performance issues on the server if many exceptions are being generated due to the size of the files. It would be far more effective if we could use an adplus script to extract the error source, description, and number from a process at runtime. This avoids the need to create dump files and adds all the relevant information in the adplus log file. The script is shown below
<RunMode> CRASH </RunMode>
<Code> c000008f </Code>
<Name> VBError </Name>
.echo VB error occurred.;
.echo ;
r $t1 = poi($teb+0xe10+poi(MSVBVM60!g_itlsebthread)*4)+0x78;
.echo Source ;
.if poi($t1 + 0x4)=0 { .echo Unknown } .else { du poi($t1 + 0x4) };
.echo Description ;
.if poi($t1 + 0x8)=0 { .echo Unknown } .else { du poi($t1 + 0x8) };
.echo Error number ;
?poi($t1 + 0x1c);
The script uses some useful commands such as $teb to extract the TEB memory address and .if / .else to allow commands to be conditionally executed. It also sets a pseudo register $t1 to improve the performance of the error extraction, otherwise this data would have to be evaluated three times.
For some VB errors where the description is not filled in you can open VB6 and in the immediate window just type 'error